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2024 Gulf Coast ABA Conference Call for Papers & Posters

October 4-5, 2024

Deadline for Posters (Extended): September 13, 2024

Deadline for Papers: August 16, 2024


All first author students whose  posters are accepted for presentation will be:

  • entered into a raffle for free registration! The raffle will be held at the close of the Call for Papers!

  • entered into the Student Poster Competition held during the Poster Session Oct 6- Cash Prize!





PostersPosters are physical displays of information, usually reporting empirical research. Submissions must demonstrate that the work to be reported has scientific merit and is well advanced. Data-based posters, which require a graph or chart of data, will receive preference. Posters in the applied research or basic research domains require a data attachment.  Posters should be 3’10” (1,168 mm) by 3’10” (1,168 mm) to fit the provided poster boards. Authors should be prepared to describe their posters and answer questions during the poster viewing session.  Posters submitted by students will be entered into a Student Poster Competition. ​








Papers: Paper submissions are individual presentations, usually concerned with conceptual, historical, or methodological issues. A paper submission may report empirical research that would be too complex for effective presentation in a poster (e.g., an integrated series of experiments). All data-based and single-study paper submissions that do not fit these criteria will be rejected or reclassified as posters. Papers in the basic research or applied research domains require a data attachment. Papers will be grouped into sessions by area coordinators and a chair will be assigned to the session from among the papers’ presenting authors. Fifty minute paper sessions consist of two papers and a chair; 110-minute paper sessions consist of four papers and a chair. Please upload graph(s) in the submission form below


Symposia: Symposia are organized by a chair who also moderates the session. Symposia focus on empirical, conceptual, historical, or methodological research. Symposia in the applied research or basic research domains require a data attachment. Symposia are comprised of:


• Two presentations, a chair, and a discussant (50 minutes), or

•Three presentations and a chair (50 minutes), or

• Four presentations, a chair, and a discussant (110 minutes).


Symposia should reflect work that is well advanced and is presented in an integrated way. Work that is just beginning (e.g., only baseline data provided) will not ordinarily be approved for symposium presentations, nor will a series of individual data presentations that do not provide an integrated view of advanced work. Presentations not reaching this level may be reclassified as posters.  Applied research symposia are encouraged to recruit discussants with basic science expertise to increase exchange within the discipline. Submissions within symposium submissions that do not meet these guidelines may be considered for re-assignment as posters. Please upload graph(s) in the submission form below.


Panels: Panels are 50 minutes in length and have three panelists and one chair, who is also the session’s moderator. Panels have an audience-driven question and answer format following a short abstract presentation by the chair. Time is allotted for interaction amongst the panelists and with the audience. Panels bridging basic and applied science are encouraged. 


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