LaBAA is a non-profit professional organization whose mission includes contributing to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education and practice.
Benefits of Full/Affiliate Membership
Professional representation: LaBAA is committed to protecting the interests of LaBAA BCBAs in the Louisiana state legislature
Consumer/affiliate representation: LaBAA is committed to protecting the interests of consumers of ABA
The right of Full Members to vote in all matters brought before LaBAA
The option for Full and Affiliate Members to post employment opportunities on the LaBAA website
Professional, advocacy, and networking opportunities for all levels of membership
Benefits of Student Membership
Opportunities to network with other students and professionals in the field
Opportunities to assist with planning and hosting of annual LaBAA conference
Opportunities to serve on LaBAA committees
Full Membership - $105
Full members must be board certified in behavior analysis by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB®) as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA®) and/or licensed as a behavior analyst and/or a Full voting member of ABAI and/or meet one of ABAI's criteria for Full voting status. Full members in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on all matters brought before LaBAA as governed by the Bylaws.
Affiliate Membership - $55
​Individuals demonstrating interest in the discipline of behavior analysis but lacking formal training in
behavior analysis may apply for affiliate membership. Affiliate members will have such privileges as granted by a majority of voting members of the LaBAA Board of Directors (Board), subject to approval by a majority of voting members, but excluding the right to vote. Any affiliate member appointed to the LaBAA Board of Directors to represent the parents of persons receiving behavior analytic services by or in collaboration with LaBAA full members has voting privileges.
Student Membership - $20
Students displaying an interest in behavior analysis may apply for student membership. Student membership shall exclude voting privileges, with the exception of any student member appointed to the Board to represent the student membership as a whole. Such appointments and accompanying privileges , including voting privileges, will be granted at the discretion of and through a majority of voting members of the Board, subject to approval by a majority of voting members.
Please direct questions about membership to